By Samir Nazareth
13 Apr 2011
Any movement against corruption will not yield results if the citizens refuse to accept their responsibility to oppose it in their daily life. People must realise that if they don't want to sacrifice their personal interests to fight corruption, no law will be effective in curbing it.
t was interesting to see how the so called 'second freedom movement' drew a kaleidescope of people to it. Almost every big city has had a demonstration against corruption and in support of Anna Hazare. Everyone wanted to convert a dream into reality.
read more @: http://www.d-sector.org/article-det.asp?id=1576
It was just another story, just an excuse for the people of India to feel a little important -for long the post-independence generation had wished and wished they were part of a movement, and it finally became possible thanks to FB and Twitter. Most of them don't have a clue what the Lokpal Bill is or what it means in connection with corruption in India. These are the facts of the case, and they're undisputable. As for the end of corruption, history may become history, corruption will not. Not in India. It's becaome part of who we are. In our hearts, we love the fact that we can bribe our way out of a traffic violation, or break the line by vomitting names.